Finance Protocol Balance Auto-Liquidity Engine
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One of the most important things is the market liquidity, which ensures the purchase and sale of $FP tokens on PacakeSwap.
In simple terms, liquidity is a certain amount of money that is divided into two equal parts between $FP tokens and $BNB tokens. There is also a conversion rate that corresponds to the amount of $FP you can receive from one BNB. For example, 1 $BNB = 100 $FP.
So, when someone buys $FP, the price of $FP tokens will rise and the ratio of $BNB to $FP will change. The same thing happens in the opposite direction when selling $FP tokens.
Liquidity allows anyone to buy and sell their $FP/BNB at any time, however, the less money/liquidity in the pool, the less money you can get, so the Finance Protocol Balance Auto-Liquidity Engine (BALE) automatically adds more liquidity to the pool thus solving this problem.
Here is how the Finance Protocol Balance Auto-Liquidity Engine (BALE) works:
Every 60 seconds, our BALE automatically adds liquidity to the market. Each buy or sell order is subject to a 4% tax fee, which is automatically stored in the Auto-LP wallet, and a mechanism built into the smart contract of our protocol that intelligently takes 50% of the amount of $FP held in the wallet automatically buys BNB at the current market price.
The remaining 50% of the $FP in the Auto-LP wallet will be used for the $FP liquidity side, giving an equal weight of 50/50 FP/BNB, which will then be automatically added as new additional liquidity to the market of the pair and increase the amount of liquidity in the pool.
BALE will do this in 60 seconds, adding more and more liquidity to the pool, allowing $FP token holders to easily sell their tokens at any time with little or no market slippage. This will also help maintain protocol stability to ensure that APY is maintained throughout the lifetime of $FP.